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Propellantless PropulsionAnonymous5/13/2024, 4:34:11 AM#6bb8914b[Reply]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhsKMWOYuYo Very interesting, seems like it's possible to have thrust without transferring momentum to an exhaust gas. This vindicates Roger Shawyer's EM drive that there was some buzz about that was dismissed and swept under the rug about 10 years ago. At the time I felt that it was publicly dismissed but actually researched by various groups secretly; there were reports at the time that the Chinese space agency was doing orbital tests.

Anonymous5/13/2024, 4:49:42 AM#08c70d6e

the patent:

>A system and method for generating a force from a voltage difference applied across at least one electrically conductive surface. The applied voltage difference creates an electric field resulting in an electrostatic pressure force acting on at least one surface of an object. Asymmetries in the resulting electrostatic pressure force vectors result in a net resulting electrostatic pressure force acting on the object. The magnitude of the net resulting electrostatic pressure force is a function of the geometry of the electrically conductive surfaces, the applied voltage, and the dielectric constant of any material present in the gap between electrodes. The invention may be produced on a nanoscale using nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes. The invention may be utilized to provide a motivating force to an object. A non-limiting use case example is the use of electrostatic pressure force apparatus as a thruster to propel a spacecraft through a vacuum.

Anonymous5/13/2024, 9:46:12 AM#ed2caf9b

array.jpg, 124.72 kB



https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UUOUFTzn9Fo Compare the array-of-spikes in the beetle wing micrographs in the video to the proposed thruster array in the patent.

LPCAMMAnonymous5/12/2024, 6:19:23 PM#3ddf5641[Reply]

LPCAMM.jpeg, 13.14 kB


do you think it can replace SODIMM?

Anonymous5/13/2024, 4:45:39 AM#aee864c6

That's really sick. RAM size has been one of the limiting factors on shrinking desktop motherboards down to even tinier sizes. >>a1cee411

Anonymous5/8/2024, 8:29:39 PM#0c6cdaa6[Reply]

>curl https://internet.website/install.sh | bash

what could possibly go wrong

Mini PCAnonymous4/29/2024, 4:42:59 AM#b5605739[Reply]

been eyeing the minis forum pcs for a while is it worth it?

5 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/29/2024, 8:38:22 AM#452a1315


>I used to not want direct soldered either but they don't make babysize pcs with interchangeable parts from what ive seen.

maybe because it's impossible lol. i get your point though.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 8:48:10 AM#a1cee411

>>452a1315 I could imagine (and admittedly fantasize about) putting little babyRAM chips into their slots with plastic tweezers lol. I think the main thing is probably just since uSFF is a niche industry so it's not viable economically to produce those mini rams,mini cpus, etc just for a few hundred? thousand? people who might buy them per year. But maybe if they did exist, more people would be interested..

Anonymous4/29/2024, 9:30:24 AM#01908dab

>>a1cee411 we can dream I guess lol

Anonymous4/26/2024, 11:50:23 AM#d9eb46e8[Reply]

> no cooldown

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Anonymous4/27/2024, 12:10:41 AM#e9c7e0ed


>>8dd0feec kys troon

Anonymous4/27/2024, 12:15:42 AM#f0ac32a1

>>8dd0feec lys cis

Anonymous4/27/2024, 1:35:05 AM#d4bfe4ae

>>8dd0feec big if true

Anonymous4/24/2024, 9:50:48 AM#4dbbd656[Reply]

okay retard living under a rock here, how's Pic related made? it's satania I can see it.

5 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/26/2024, 8:49:12 AM#430d1000

There might be sites where you can do it maybe if you search 'AI image style transfer'

Anonymous4/27/2024, 1:34:06 AM#87d9346c

>>430d1000 I tried some websites but the effect wasn't as good.

Anonymous4/27/2024, 1:34:26 AM#4ee37226

maybe it's a skill issue

Anonymous4/9/2024, 11:46:59 PM#66704979[Reply]

what are you working on?

21 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/16/2024, 7:18:57 AM#b36bd3ca

>>cfff7791 Very nice. Yeah that would be really cool. One early aspect of this could be a direct messenger type application where someone posts with their static clientId (instead of the random one used for posting), and then another user can send them a direct encrypted message. Also it would be cool if you could start a torrent easily from within the gladden client for very large files.

Anonymous4/16/2024, 7:20:24 AM#e833be00

I should figure out how to set up a module/plugin system allowing for easy installation.

Anonymous4/16/2024, 1:39:59 PM#24ef36ff


>One early aspect of this could be a direct messenger type application where someone posts with their static clientId (instead of the random one used for posting), and then another user can send them a direct encrypted message.

Well there's a lot of such projects already it seems

/g/Anonymous4/11/2024, 5:21:55 PM#741b36f6[Reply]

Reminder there is also activity on /g/

Anonymous4/11/2024, 6:11:56 PM#1ea78625

/g/ is for guro
