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Mini PCAnonymous4/29/2024, 4:42:59 AM#b5605739

been eyeing the minis forum pcs for a while is it worth it?

Anonymous4/29/2024, 4:50:48 AM#7964b142

They look pretty sick. What are the specs? I think SFF with no graphics card is the way to go unless you really need to play new games on 4k resolution or do a lot of AI generating.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 4:57:53 AM#80fced9c

The size and design of this one captivate me more. Look how tiny it is. I'm guessing you need an external power brick for these? It would be cool if you could power them by USB.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 5:00:17 AM#451ac4f0

downloadfile.png, 129.92 kB


Oh wow it is powered by USB... I might need to get this. The 1tb storage model is temporarily sold out it seems.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 7:56:40 AM#968e21e0

>>7964b142 AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS Radeon 780M, ram and storage are configurable. SFF is cool but I really like how compact are thoses pcs, also I'm pretty lazy getting a pre-built is more attractive option for me. >>80fced9c >>451ac4f0 yeah the EM780 is really wild but everything is soldered on the board.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 8:16:48 AM#7a61c3cb

>>968e21e0 I used to not want direct soldered either but they don't make babysize pcs with interchangeable parts from what ive seen. Plus there are some supposed thermal benefits and the compactness benefits. I'm gradually being won over to it regardless lol. Plus nowadays with sockets changing all the time realistically when you want to upgrade or replace your cpu you end up having to replace the mobo as well anyway.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 8:38:22 AM#452a1315


>I used to not want direct soldered either but they don't make babysize pcs with interchangeable parts from what ive seen.

maybe because it's impossible lol. i get your point though.

Anonymous4/29/2024, 8:48:10 AM#a1cee411

>>452a1315 I could imagine (and admittedly fantasize about) putting little babyRAM chips into their slots with plastic tweezers lol. I think the main thing is probably just since uSFF is a niche industry so it's not viable economically to produce those mini rams,mini cpus, etc just for a few hundred? thousand? people who might buy them per year. But maybe if they did exist, more people would be interested..

Anonymous4/29/2024, 9:30:24 AM#01908dab

>>a1cee411 we can dream I guess lol
