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Anonymous5/12/2024, 5:39:22 PM#fa3e0076[Reply]

Dolores.jpeg, 25.30 kB


'litaGODS get in here https://8kun.top/soyjak2/res/564.html the board is kinda dead but it has no rules against soylita and shoyta, i think that we could and should colonize it https://8kun.top/soyjak2/

8 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous5/13/2024, 9:10:33 PM#cc4d4317

>>2964cf99 looks like their jannies abandoned it, we can post whatever we want

Anonymous5/14/2024, 4:42:07 AM#a2409a7a

lots of gems, but one question, isn't 8kun run by glowniggers while 8moe is run by oldfag pedos?

Anonymous5/15/2024, 12:16:40 AM#777b29b3

>>a2409a7a kind of but what's wrong with oldfag pedos

Anonymous5/14/2024, 3:52:22 PM#58bd0771[Reply]

o good i dont feel like im browsing a makichan anymore

Anonymous5/14/2024, 3:56:52 PM#43e57493

4broon.png, 9.77 kB


>>58bd0771 forgot pic

Anonymous5/12/2024, 6:20:41 AM#6d05ac0e[Reply]

Zero (0) pph award

Anonymous5/12/2024, 6:21:39 PM#ac62d1fd

go back to your altchans zoomie

Anonymous5/11/2024, 11:19:55 PM#79e10e55[Reply]

>/soy/ - Index

Anonymous5/12/2024, 2:34:37 PM#4e61a219

>'ru filename

go back

Anonymous5/11/2024, 5:59:17 PM#97b6840f[Reply]

post some animal gore gemmies ITT

Anonymous5/11/2024, 8:35:12 PM#e072dd15

what does that have to do with soi doe

Anonymous5/9/2024, 3:27:52 PM#5cb4c199[Reply]

Soylita.png, 191.34 kB


Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.

Anonymous5/10/2024, 6:39:40 AM#20488454


Anonymous5/9/2024, 3:47:57 PM#b8b31af3[Reply]

>pearable chats

Anonymous5/10/2024, 6:19:00 AM#0ba48511

feralpear.png, 370.58 kB


>>pearable chats

Anonymous5/10/2024, 3:22:41 AM#34304a39[Reply]
Anonymous5/10/2024, 5:27:05 AM#4284868c


sparkling diamond here's a 'lita that's too big too post here, even after running it through optipng https://files.catbox.moe/cnc0ao.png

Anonymous5/10/2024, 5:32:41 AM#ef5684a2


Anonymous5/10/2024, 5:43:03 AM#1d91c2e1

keep going

Anonymous5/9/2024, 3:39:00 PM#fb060559[Reply]

>peerable chans

Anonymous5/9/2024, 3:56:47 AM#19aaeb79[Reply]

>nooooooooooooooo you cant just setup an imageboard you MUST hire one gorillion jannies (that my friends will surely be applying for) to rulecuck your site 24/7 or else DA COOOOOOOORD will fill it up with CP and then your life will be ruined or something even doe you arent responsible for what other people post

anyone else think its the redditors/kiwitroons themselves who push this narrative in order to enable the tranitor police state power trip?

Socrates5/9/2024, 6:07:42 AM#e81d5d93

obvious the answer is legalized the child porn must be or freedom we will never again taste

Anonymous5/9/2024, 6:10:57 AM#4d53b8c2

telling it is how faggots are glorified genital cutters exalted ... thousands of years of nature are now pedo ¿qui bono?

Anonymous5/9/2024, 10:20:13 AM#4136d8ff

>>4d53b8c2 meds + tranitors are the cp spammers they got the idea from kuz who spammed cp to create problems and force soot into selling
