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Anonymous4/27/2024, 3:07:52 PM#401b21ec[Reply]

OIP.jpeg, 12.92 kB


>gladden. Io registered in 2018

Anonymous4/27/2024, 3:10:42 PM#af45583e


.io fuck phones man

Events/Logging on (local) database changes 4/24/2024, 3:45:14 AM#4a923b42[Reply]

Added the event listener thing discussed on /tech/. Whenever your local database receives an update to either posts, file refs, or file chunks, that passed validation and was written to your db, it will by default log it in the console. You can modify this behavior by modifying the config/events.js onChange() function, say if you want to connect it to a spam checking robot that would auto-delete certain types of posts or files. Maybe we can add logfiles and stuff later by (configurable) default if that would be desired. Might not be the simplest thing to use but it's a nice starting point for this type of thing.

Anonymous4/24/2024, 6:58:54 AM#768098fa


Anonymous4/22/2024, 11:31:48 PM#3d10455b[Reply]

troll.png, 150.28 kB

Anonymous4/23/2024, 12:44:29 AM#f05cd56b


Catalog viewAnonymous4/19/2024, 7:58:46 AM#a3ec85b9[Reply]

catalog.png, 553.84 kB


Catalog view has been added. You can click the [C] in front of the page number links and it will take you to the catalog view.

Anonymous4/19/2024, 8:20:34 AM#02e53de4

❤️❤️❤️ Now I can tell my (yet nonexistent) kids I've been on gladden before catalog view existed Also catalog for overboard maybe? Also if anyone wants to scroll post content in catalog, add userstyle: .post_catalog { overflow: auto; }

Anonymous4/19/2024, 1:19:46 PM#ff8c2c53

really nice, good shit boss.

Anonymous3/16/2024, 2:50:31 AM#b6c13d5b[Reply]

geminalspace.png, 692.24 kB

Anonymous3/16/2024, 3:00:13 AM#604e1294
Anonymous4/19/2024, 8:01:12 AM#203e9d52


Anonymous4/17/2024, 1:47:09 AM#e1a3a429[Reply]


Anonymous4/17/2024, 7:02:22 PM#a1c0171c


Board management dashboardAnonymous4/17/2024, 5:50:25 AM#17325c70[Reply]


Just added a more fleshed out view to the homepage to see the current status of watched boards. So you can see if one is still loading and you have the option to reload them individually instead of hard-restarting the client. Later on this can also include stats like how many posts there are on a given board, how many files and orphaned files (no post referencing them), and a manual pruning option to trim all but the most recently bumped N threads.

5 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/17/2024, 6:24:20 PM#5c6d1ba7

>>3f759a5d So overboard search by default?

Anonymous4/17/2024, 6:25:30 PM#b1aa0616

>>5c6d1ba7 yep, total count of messages is low enough by now for good performance, later optional board-filters can be introduced

Anonymous4/17/2024, 6:35:52 PM#f2f1f586

>>b1aa0616 Sounds good yeah.

Anonymous4/11/2024, 7:37:38 PM#09165311[Reply]

OIP.jpeg, 21.29 kB


okay since I'm bored I have questions,. is there a bump limit? what's the maximum number of pages a board can have? how do you block a client ID? is there a way to save client and reuse it, aka static client ID? what do you think of having stickies/locked threads? Basically client side locking sticking. will you ever implement a captcha? I will ask more when I get bored again.

7 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/13/2024, 6:37:15 PM#0c6934ac

>>96b87224 very nice

Anonymous4/13/2024, 6:44:49 PM#162ca2bd

>>eb9b5969 did you stop seeding? I added it and it's empty

Anonymous4/13/2024, 6:50:15 PM#72e215d0

>>162ca2bd nvm that was my internet being slow, I must stop being impatient.

Blanca threadAnonymous4/11/2024, 5:06:31 PM#c3f526b5[Reply]
2 replies omitted, click Reply to view.
Anonymous4/11/2024, 8:36:34 PM#701b32d4

>>76eb34cb no face huh?

Anonymous4/11/2024, 9:17:30 PM#20842a31

Blanca.png, 32.23 kB


>>701b32d4 >>701b32d4 Sometimes

Anonymous4/12/2024, 6:26:14 AM#99028c45

>>20842a31 beautiful smile

Anonymous4/9/2024, 2:50:57 PM#f6eba7e1[Reply]

Berryboy_1.png, 81.43 kB


Life or death for berry boy?

Anonymous4/9/2024, 2:54:59 PM#8b9e3f55


Anonymous4/9/2024, 6:56:21 PM#d1e6712c

I say death.
